Monday, December 30, 2019

Digital Gold — The Future of Gold

Since technology was invented, people have found it easier to do work. But that’s not all. With technology, now we can also buy gold easily. Namely through Digital Gold.


Digital Gold is a project based in blockchain technology that allow users to purchase gold via ERC 20 Ethereum based Gold Token. With Gold Token you can easy to buy or sell Gold.

About Gold Token

GOLD Token is based on Ethereum network and is compatible with the most popular cryptocurrency wallets that support Ethereum ERC20 standard tokens. 1 Gold Token is being equal to one grams of 99.99% Fine Gold. Total amount of Gold Token is always equals the total amount of gold bullion held in vault. You can purchase or sell GOLD token instantly by visit our marketplace at

The difference between gold token and other gold

Gold Token is a low volatility stable digital asset. Gold Token is backed by physical gold and it’s price is pegged to the market price of gold. There are several things that make Gold Token different from other gold.

  • Secure

Saving Gold Token is difference with other gold. You can save Gold Token in your Smartphone or in crypto wallet. Read more information about Gold Token Wallet

  • Fast

Transactions using gold tokens are very fast. You can send Gold Token to anyone by entering the address through your wallet. It takes several minutes and your Gold Token will be sent.

  • Privacy

Own GOLD while remaining private. All other gold ownership options involve disclosing your identity at the time of the purchase or redemption. To purchase or sell any amount of GOLD, you just need to provide a destination wallet address.

  • No Limits

Buying gold tokens do not have to wait every week, every month or every year. You can buy gold tokens anytime and anywhere.

Some things you can do with Gold Token.

Gold Token is not only the digital gold. With Gold Token you can do something. There are several things you can do using Gold Token.

  • Long-term Investment

Every year the Gold price always pump. You can use Gold Token for long-term investment because Gold Token is equals to 1 grams of 99.99% Fine Gold.

  • Trading

Gold Token is already listed in cryptocurrency exchanges and Coinmarketcap. With Gold Token, you can trading use Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT. Read more information about Gold Token marketplace

  • Future Payment

With no fees in transaction, you can change the Gold Token to digital payment. You can make Gold Token for gift to your family or friends.

Digital Gold Marketplace

Gold Token already listed in cryptocurrency exchange and CoinMarketCap. The daily volume of the GOLD token exceeds 5 millions dollars. You can easily change your BTC or ETH to the GOLD token instantly in website
or you can buy in cryptocurrency exchange :


Buy or sell GOLD and other cryptocurrencies without limits and restrictions. Cryptex Cryptoexchange platform works with various payment systems, cash and electronic payments.


Livecoin is a modern, safe Trading Platform for accessing cryptocurrency exchange markets with very simple interface and low trading fees.


One of the leading and most trendy exchanges with millions of traders from all regions of the world. BitForex is a highly-reputable complete platform for trading and a true one stop digital asset service platform.


for full information, you can follow official Digital Gold here.
username: terizla
bitcointalk url:;u=2641576
ETH address: 0x951eb0f2278498ef0d5b86258160523698213891

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Digital Gold - o Primeiro Stablecoin Apoiado Por 100% De Ouro

De ano para ano, a era da mudança está ficando cada vez mais sofisticada. Todas as atividades realizam manual e agora se tornou automático com a ajuda da tecnologia. Da mesma forma com o pagamento, que costumava usar dinheiro, agora também existem pagamentos usando dinheiro digital.
Mesmo agora, também há ouro digital e é chamado Digital Gold.


Digital Gold é um projeto que se baseia na plataforma blockchain para permitir que os usuários negociem o Gold Digital com o Gold Token. O Gold Token é um Gold Digital Token baseado na plataforma Ethereum ERC20.

Por que devemos escolher o Digital Gold ?

  • Barato

1 token de ouro = 1 grama de ouro fino de 99,99%. Mas você não deve comprá-lo no mínimo 1 grama. Você pode comprar com no mínimo 0,001 BTC / $ 10 e 0,01 ETH / $ 2 (agora com preço BTC e ETH).

  • Rápido

Se você deseja trocar o Digital Gold ou enviar o Digital Gold para a Família ou Amigo. Não demora muito. Apenas em alguns minutos e o ouro será transferido.

  • Seguro

Salvar o ouro digital é mais fácil e seguro do que o ouro físico. Você só precisa da Carteira ERC20 e pode salvá-la no seu telefone. Isso é seguro porque ninguém sabe se você tem ouro.

  • Fácil de Salvar

Diferença de Gold Token com ouro físico, onde é armazenado em um local seguro, como nos filmes em que as pessoas armazenam ouro em ouro seguro. Você pode salvá-lo usando a Carteira ERC-20 e pode ser acessado através de um Smartphone.

Carteira Digital em Ouro

Existem vários tipos de carteira que podem armazenar Gold Token em uma carteira ERC-20.

  • MyEtherWallet

Um dos melhores e populares tokens ETH e outros ERC-20. MEW é uma carteira da web de código aberto e sua interface de usuário é muito fácil de usar.

  • Metamask

Metamask é uma carteira da web e é totalmente gratuito. O navegador Metamask permite armazenar e gerenciar suas moedas ERC-20.

  • Ledger Nano S

 Ledger Nano S é uma carteira de hardware que pode ser facilmente conectada a qualquer porta USB.

  • Trezor

Trezor é outra carteira de hardware e é uma das carteiras mais antigas ativas até agora.

  • Guarda

Mais uma plataforma de carteira sem custódia, a Guarda suporta várias criptomoedas, incluindo tokens ERC-20. Os usuários podem armazenar, receber, enviar, comprar, trocar e apostar suas moedas com facilidade.

Mercado Digital de Ouro

Compre e venda Gold Token instantaneamente no Official Digital Gold Marketplace. Você pode comprar com Bitcoin ou Ethereum ou vender seu Gold Token para Bitcoin ou Ethereum, visitando o site

  • Cryptex

Compre ou venda GOLD e outras criptomoedas sem limites e restrições. Cryptex A plataforma Cryptoexchange trabalha com vários sistemas de pagamento, dinheiro e pagamentos eletrônicos. Você pode comprar Gold Token com USD aqui.

  • Livecoin

O Livecoin é uma plataforma de negociação moderna e segura para acessar mercados de câmbio de criptomoedas com interface muito simples e baixas taxas de negociação. Troque seu BTC ou ETH para o Gold Token aqui.

  • Bitforex

Uma das principais e mais modernas bolsas de valores com milhões de traders de todas as regiões do mundo. Negocie Gold Token na Bitforex com BTC, ETH e USDT aqui.
para obter informações completas, você pode acompanhar o oficial Digital Gold

username: terizla
bitcointalk url:;u=2641576
ETH address: 0x951eb0f2278498ef0d5b86258160523698213891

Friday, August 16, 2019

DIGITAL GOLD - Evolution From Physical Gold to Digital Gold


From day to day, all the things that are usually done manually are now changing to digital like we send letters to brother in the city. Like a transaction, before we know online transaction, we use money to buy something and now there are also payments online with cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses strong cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets.

Now the physical gold is turn to Digital Gold.

What is a DIGITAL GOLD ?

DIGITAL GOLD is the project based in blockchain, aim to encourage the digitalization of the financial markets, investments and enabling users to purchase Gold Token via ERC-20.
GOLD Token is a Altcoins based in ERC20. Each coin is being equals to the one grams of the 99.99% FINE Gold. This mean, the token is pegged of the value of the gold spot price.

Why we must trust and buy DIGITAL GOLD ?

There are many good features then you must know about DIGITAL GOLD.

  • DIGITAL GOLD = 100% Real Gold 
 1 Token is 100% backed by physical gold(1 Token = 1 grams of gold). You don't need to afraid when the price is down because Gold Token is stablecoin backed by gold. 

 When you want to buy or sell Gold Token. This is very easy step and you don't need to come in Gold Shop. Just go to and convert your Bitcoin or Ethereum to Gold Token. The Minimum buy Gold Token is 0.001 BTC and 0.01 ETH. 

 Amount of physical gold stored can be matched against the total number of tokens real-time. Difference with Gold Token, all transfers are irreversible and there is no way to block or limit your account due to decentralized structure of blockchain technology.

 All other gold ownership options involve disclosing your identity at the time of the purchase or redemption. To purchase or sell any amount of GOLD, you just need to provide a destination wallet address.

  • ETC 
 And there are many more features then you can see in here


Apart from some of the features above, holding Gold Token giving more profit and low risk. The price of gold is determined by the value of gold itself and is determined by the international market. Effect of this stability, the price of gold tends to rise every year, recorded from January 2016 to August 2016, the price of gold has increased by 18%. 


Gold Token can be instantly exchange to Bitcoin or Ethereum in the Official Marketplace ( ) and you can exchange your Bitcoin or Ethereum to Gold Token.

  • Price Information: 


1 Gold Token = 0.00474586 BTC
1 BTC = 210.732 Gold Token
Minimum Buy Token = 0.001 BTC/ 0.211 Gold Token
Maximum Buy Token = 5.91984115 BTC/ 1247.499 Gold Token


1 Gold Token = 0.26795114 ETH
1 ETH = 3.732 Gold Token
Minimum Buy Token =  0.01 ETH/ 0.037 Gold Token
Maximum Buy Token = 334.5296705 ETH/ 1247.499 Gold Token 

for more information about DIGITAL GOLD you can visit here: 

ANN Thread:

Terizla :;u=2641576
ETH : 0x951eb0f2278498ef0d5b86258160523698213891

Saturday, May 18, 2019


The luxury market now has its own cryptocurrency! The Bow Token is a unique token that ensures the transparency and traceability of high value products through a secured blockchain. Project supported by Swarovski


BOW APP is a Blockchain application that ensures the traceability of luxury products for individuals. The BOW SOFTWARE is a B2B platform for luxury brands specialized in the management of the supply chain. Ultimately, our goal is to ensure the provenance of luxury goods.
This function isuseful both for the purchase of new products but also for used products.


We are now seeing significant growth in the second-hand market. The luxury market is also affected
by this movement, especially through specialized applications such as VideDressing, Vinted, etc. In
conjunction with this trend, the counterfeit market is drastically developing as well. This has a direct
impact on the economy of the luxury sector. In France, seizures of counterfeits have by a multiple of
45 in less than 20 years, now amounting to 8.9 million seized products. This market today
represents a shortfall of nearly 3 billion euros for France with regard to luxury goods.


BOW responds perfectly to this need, thanks to the development of a Blockchain entirely dedicated
to the traceability of luxury products. Consumers will have the opportunity to check the provenance
of any article through the Blockchain technology, which is impervious to any modification.
Companies will be able to prove the origin of their products by reassuring the consumer and taking
advantage of the integrated platform.


Token Name: BOW TOKEN
Token Symbol: BT
Token contract: 0x9321be4c5f323f64fee9f6e9970bfc7c9a424799
Decimal: 18
Total Supply: 25.000.000
- 3.000.000 for Pre-ICO
- 15.000.000 for ICO
- 3.000.000 for Team
- 1.250.000 for Partners
- 1.000.000 for Reserves
- 750.000 for Advisors
- 500.000 for Bounty
- 500.000 for Airdrop
Platform: Ethereum(ETH)
Token Price: $0.32
Softcap: $3.000.000
Hardcap: $6.000.000
Payment Accept: ETH,BTC,FIAT
KYC: Yes
Bounty & Airdrop: Yes


Mar-Dec 2018
  • Concept development/Enrichment of
  • partnerships/Creation of the Whitepaper/Business plan
Jan-Mar 2019

  • Setting up the team/Action plan
Mar-Apr 2019

  • Launch of the Bounty
May-Jun 2019

  • Pre-ICO
Jul-Nov 2019

  • ICO
Jul 2019-Jun 2020

  • Application development
Sep-Oct 2019

  • Apparition BowToken on the first platforms of exchanges
Jan 2020

  • Appearance of BowCoin on the first exchange platforms
Jul 2020

  • Official launch of the app, The Bowtie Barber is the first to use this Blockchain
Sep 2020

  • 3 luxury brands use the blockchain and the BOW'APP app
  • 5 creators use the blockchain and the BOW'APP application 
  • 2 eco-friendly textile companies use blockchain and BOW'APP application
Sep 2021

  • 5 luxury brands use the blockchain and the BOW'APP app 
  • 10 creators use the blockchain and the BOW'APP application 
  • 4 eco-friendly textile companies use blockchain and BOW'APP application

  • 7 luxury brands use the blockchain and the BOW'APP app 
  • 15 creators use the blockchain and the BOW'APP application 
  • 6 eco-friendly textile companies use blockchain and BOW'APP application



Founder & CEO of the Bow Token

Partner of the Bow Token & CEO Swarovsky


Sales representative

Blockchain Development Manager

Innovation Business Manager

Web designer



Partnership Advisor

Growth Hacking Advisor

Marketing Advisor

Financial Advisor

Investment Advisor


Bitcointalk username: madrogue
Address: 0x68e76200C2147297Ecd02F8F88832850F7b4Cad1

Friday, April 5, 2019




  Product Protocol is a opensource protocol for crowdfunding/crowdlending campaigns based on digital assets issuing, integration with all business processes, funds management and financial operations. 
Product Protocol is focused on creating a platform that allows an entrepreneur to tokenize their assets and raise funds for scaling.

  Product Protocol can scale further than ever before. A universal token for the tokenization of any assets allows you to instantly create a digital asset and a decentralized market will enable people from all over the world to purchase it.


  Product Protocol mission to unite the worlds of real and digital assets with the world of blockchain technology through real sector economy tokenization.
We will create a decentralized marketplace which allow etnerprises to solve relevant problems and benefit from the application of blockchain technology.

Product Protocol includes the stages of verification, digitalization, comprehensive criteria-based evaluation, asset status monitoring, asset ownership identification and asset tokenization.This will ensure the formation digital ecosystem for the real sector participants and allows for trading tokenized assets.


Tokenization is the process of transferring assets into the digital space. A token issued in conjunction with one or another asset becomes a new type of asset in digital space.
Any asset class can be tokenized, liquid or otherwise.

Illiquid asset ownership tokenization has the same economic effect as securitization. This mean that an illiquid asset transform into a liquid one, which allows for raising funds on the open market.


  1.  Low Level of Business Analytic/Scoring
  2.  Absense of Insurance
  3.  Low Liquidity of Issued Assets
  4.  Unproductive Business Execution
  5.  Absense of Risks Management for Investors

  1.  Universal token for tokenization of any assets
  2.  Digital Identity
  3.  Decentralized market with TCR
  4.  Smart Escrow System
  5.  Proof of Asset Algorithm


Token Symbol: PPO
ICO Price: 1 PPO=0.5 USD
Softcap: 5 000 000 USD
Hardcap: 32 500 000
Accepted Payment: BTC,ETH
Total Supply: 100 000 000 PPO
- 65 000 000 PPO for ICO
- 15 000 000 PPO for Team
- 15 000 000 PPO for Platform Support
- 5 000 000 PPO for Advisors and Marketing
Fund Allocation: 
30% Marketing and 1st Tokenised Product
35% Development and PP Coin Fund
10% Legal,Salary,Lawyers
10% Technology Support
15% Team


Stage 1 [2017-Q2 2018]
  • Idea Formalization
  • Team formation

Stage 2 [Q3 2018]
  • Private presentation to market leaders
  • Marketing campaign
Stage 3 [Q4 2018]
  • MVP
  • Roadshow
  • Private Sale
  • 10+ Companies confirmation for Integration
Stage 4 [Q1 2019-Q3 2019]
  • 20+ Companies confirmation for Integration
  • Public Tokensale
  • Token Distribution
Stage 5 [Q3 2019-Q1 2020]
  • Platform Public Launch
  • Listing on exchange
  • 40+ Companies confirmation for Integration
  • Integration with 20+ Companies
  • Global Expansion


Co-Founder and CTO

senior programmer, extensive experience for trading terminals programming, 
as well as being an expert in blockchain development

Co-founder and CMO

7 years of experience in digital marketing, helped 5+ blockchain projects to raise more then $10 millions

Business Development Manager

major experience in stock market, working for and consulting early growth start-ups, focuses on capital deployment and strategic partnerships

Operations Manager

Leader of the Executive team with many years of experience in technology startups

Lead Designer
UI/UX Visual designer

Community manager


Saturday, March 30, 2019

ATRONOCOM: Built for You and Your Crypto Lifestyle



  • ATRONOCOM has positioned itself as a secure platform in one of the fastest developing markets in the world.
  • ATRONOCON wants to make life easier for investors and participants with simple but advanced technologies and products.
  • ATRONOCOM will provide practical experience and transparently guarantee and live the exchange of information between the parties involved.
  • ATRONOCOM wants to make the developments of the research of the last years available to its customers and partners at a reasonable and safety-conscious price performance ratio.

Why We're Doing This

 The world of cryptocurrencies and their associated requirements are becoming ever more complex and difficult. Particularly in the areas of development of long-term, valuable crypto currencies and related projects, as well as secure and anonymous communication, payment methodology and their applications, there is still a great deal of development needed to be able to satisfy only the rudimentary actual demand in the market.
 We think we're the ones to move the industry forward. Members of our team have already been able to develop and accompany projects for various large corporations, while gaining a lot of experience which is utilized in our work at ATRONOCOM Ltd.
 Smartphone is king. This sentence is and will become ever more important in the future, as the intensity of use and diversity will continue to expand with the increasing development of the devices. Enthusiasts of the first hour of the crypto movement are now approaching the age of 60. Thus, the age of the products developed by us and the associated concomitants, an important factor in our considerations and decision.

 We decided to take the path of SAFT Crowd sale (Simple Agreement of Future Token) in order to raise funds to move faster and bigger for the benefit of our users and supporters.

 For our "staking process" we have decided on the POS / DPoS consensus methodology and will be able to join the many employees and networks in which we work with our token and coin and in this way will be able to participate in the project. The incentivization of the POS mechanisms is, in our opinion, the right form of participation for the participants and their networks. Join now.


  • Mobile Phone "DPoS" Staking on Android and iOS
Lightnodes or SPV nodes that download block headers verify the authenticity of transactions. They use complete nodes as intermediaries. Light Node Clients are supported by full nodes for many operations, from querying the latest headers to the account balance of an account to the actual introduction of staking.This saves batteries and storage space. However, it is a complete staking process which is rewarded with an incentive.

  • Debit Bank Card
Members of the ATRONOCOM Legion who have downloaded the DApp and filled out the registration form can activate their Virtual Bank Card immediately and order one or more Physical Partner Cards directly and then use them for many functions. The bank card is directly connected to the ATRONOCOM system and can be used at almost 40 million contact points worldwide.

  • Mobile Banking
  1. Buy and Sell crypto currencies and OTC trading services
  2. Day Trading (near future), margining trading (near future)
  3. Crypto Mining
  4. IBAN Bank Account in Luxembourg or Switzerland
  5. Send and Receive money via SWIFT/SEPA
  6. FX - Exchange currencies at interbank rates
  7. Escrow services without third parties
  8. High Load Limits of up to 1,000,000 Euros per year
  9. High spending limits up to 30,000 Euros per transaction
  10. Easy Activation
  11. Multi-currency card (5 currencies available)
  12. Anonymous - the Cardholder's name is not displayed
  • High Security Communication Messenger
  1. Secure sending and receiving of messages and files
  2. Connected wallet function
  3. P2P Encryption VOIP
  4. Voice calls & Video Chat
  5. Group Chat
  6. Broadcast Function
  7. Security Settings
  8. Voice Messages (Audio)
  9. Emojis & Gifs

Soft cap:1 000 000 
Hard cap:90 000 000
Token price:1 ATR = 0.25 EUR
Accept Payment: USD, EUR , BTC , ETH 
Total Supply: 440 000 000  

Distribution of Funds :
50%: Marketing and sale of product
30%: product development
10%: Legal & Corporate Structuring
10%: contingencies

Thomas Koller


Manual Fizimayer


Maximilian Kozdroń


Nicolas Schmid


Marc Schildknecht


Tino Ahlers


Peter Wong


Matt Wei

Alexander Sabeti


Bitcointalk : madrogue
ETH Address: 0x68e76200C2147297Ecd02F8F88832850F7b4Cad1

Friday, February 15, 2019

VANTA NETWORK: Decentralised Network for Real-time Connectivity

VANTA aims to be the World’s first decentralized network that enables fast and low cost development and operation of scalable services that provide infinite connectivity.

In VANTA, participating nodes will compete to contribute to connect, transmit and process data in real-time on the network, which will provide a low-cost and highly available intelligent network. By combining this competitive system with verifiable randomness, VANTA will feature a consensus algorithm that will increase scalability and efficiency.Join VANTA NETWORK


The need for real-time connectivity between people or devices is increasing exponentially. A decentralized network that allows infinite connectivity with a guarantee of privacy is indispensable.

VANTA will aim to provide solutions to our everyday problems. It will be optimized for real-time data transmissions to provide infinite connectivity among all people, devices and information, creating a variety of new opportunities for businesses.


For developers

Develop and operate a real-time communication service that is scalable, reliable, and highly secure at low cost.

For users

Use various high-quality services free or almost free of charge without worrying about privacy.

For organizations

Build a blockchain-based telecommunication network between different organizations.


  • Communications
Real-time collaboration services, delivery/shopping/car sharing/reservation related platform services that require communication between users, customer service within shopping or reservation services, and social dating services.
  • Streaming
Live video streaming services will include online courses, user-generated video content, sports & game broadcasts and more while VOD streaming services include movies, entertainment, and music.

  • Games
Online game interaction data will be transmitted through VANTA, which will provide real-time data processing, a necessity for game developers. Tradable items with monetary value will be tracked by VANTA’s blockchain

  • Internet of Things
Some IoT sensors and hubs require thousands to tens of thousands of data per second. These IoT sensors and hubs can use VANTA to process traffic data, factory operation data, personalized medical and welfare data, connected car data, smart home data etc.

  • Telecommunication Infra
VANTA provides private blockchain solutions to enterprises, public institutions, and hospitals looking to set up telecommunications infrastructure. A blockchain-based telecommunications infrastructure is cost-effective and easier to use.


Token: VNT
Price: 1 VNT = 0.00088 USD
Accepting: BTC, ETH
Hardcap: 15,000,000 USD
Country: Hong Kong
Whitelist/KYC: KYC


  • Q1 2018
 Ideation / VANTA

  • Q3 2018
 VANTA Architecture and
 Consensus Algorithm Design

  • Q4 2018
 Website launch,
 White paper release,private ICO

  • Q1 2019
 Technical paper release,
 The ARKAS protocol development

  • Q2 2019
 The VANTA Testnet

  • Q3 2019
 The VANTA Mainnet,
 VNT Native Token Swap

  • Q4 2019
 dApp Incubation & Developer
 Community Expansion


Ryan Seo
CEO & Founder


Oracle JAPAC
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Voiceloco Founder


B.S. in Computer Science,
 Yonsei University

Adrian Park
Technical Lead


SK Planet
Gamedetect Communications Founder


M.S. in Computer Science, Seoul National University

Martin Jung
Data Scientist


Teradata (HQ)
Amazon Web Services (HQ)


M.S. in Data Science, Big Data at UC Berkeley
M.B.A. at Carnegie Mellon University

Prof. Inwhee Joe, Ph.D.
Head of R&D


Professor at Department of Computer Science in Hanyang University
Bellcore Lab (Telcordia)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech



Bitcointalk: mudyak99
Address: 0xAA8D0c02B1F3D547f4239269EF5C756C1dEb443b

Digital Gold — The Future of Gold

Since technology was invented, people have found it easier to do work. But that’s not all. With technology, now we can also buy gold easi...